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Please find our documentation below

Frequently Asked Questions


Which products does ETPA offer on its platform?

We offer 3 products: Intraday, Ex-post and GOPACS. We don't offer the day-ahead auction at the moment.

What is GOPACS?

GOPACS is the platform operated by the Dutch Grid Operators to manage congestion. The first congestion product inside their platform is IDCONs. An IDCONs is a combination of a market buy and sell order on the intraday market. With ETPA you have the ability to add the locational component (EAN-code) to your regular intraday order and quote for GOPACS without the need of an extra system to the grid operators. We will forward your order(s) to the GOPACS-platform. If GOPACS can use your location in combination with your buy/sell-direction to solve for congestion, we will get back a GOPACS-settlement request and your order will match for IDCONs (if its still there of course). We will let you know over mail, GUI and/or API that the trade was initiated by GOPACS.

EAN - Code in your buy / sell order

Our application is helping you to quote orders for your asset locations for GOPACS. Instead of copy-pasting your 18 digit code for each order each time, you can store your EAN-code-to-name mapping.
Go to "EAN numbers" in the menu. Add your EAN-code in combination with your asset name and save it. Next time when you quote a new buy/sell-order the asset name will show in the dropdown.


What is the difference between participant and individual?

A participant is the official entity who trades. A participant has individuals. The individuals are the users of a participant and are the ones who log into our application.

Power Wallet

The power wallet is a wallet held by our payment service provider called Online payments platform. This secures the money of the participant in the power wallet in case of ETPA bankruptcy. The power wallet can be seen a debit payment system. If you don't have money in the power wallet you are not allowed to buy energy (or sell a negative price). The ETPA platform does not allow power wallets to go negative in balance.

When the participant wants to deposit money into the power wallet, a user with Wallet rights need to initiate the deposit in the ETPA platform on the wallet page. A payment instruction email will be sent to the initiator with further instructions. This email includes a unique identifier, which needs to be added to money transfer to our payment service provider. During the KYC procedure ETPA has connected one IBAN account per participant. This is the IBAN account from which the money needs to be transferred to the foundation. If the IBAN account or the unique identifier in not matching the payment instruction, ETPA will transfer the money back to the sender. A deposit is limited to 20 million euro per transaction.

In case of a withdrawal the initial will receive a confirmation email with the amount and processing time. The money will be transferred to the IBAN account which was connect to the participant. A withdrawal is limited to 1 million euro per transaction

Wallet threshold
In order to make sure that you never run out of money in your power wallet, we have created a wallet balance warning service. This wallet balance warning email is sent at 01:00 AM, if the minimal threshold is reached. The value of this minimal threshold can be set in the upper right corner and is a personal settings for the individual (so every user under a participant can set his own value).


ETPA provides an Ex-Post orderbook (quarters only) where Ex-Post trading can happen. This is interesting for parties who have imbalances (long or short) in their portfolio and who would like to reduce their imbalance costs.
In case of regulation state 2, a quarter is dual priced. Trading opportunities arise in these quarters for our participants. At ETPA we bring together these participants, enabling them to take advantage of ex-post trading and lower their (imbalance) costs. Look at our news section for articles on how much our participants have already saved on their imbalance costs the last years.

The electricity law (article 3.6.18-19) allows a confirmed E-program to be changed until 10:00 the next day. This is Ex-Post nomination. We offer Ex-Post trading till 9:30 the next day.

Registration Procedure

How can I get a demo of the platform?

Please contact us for a demo at

Register individuals for your participant

You can let us know which individuals you prefer to register during the KYC. However, we can also assign the "participant administration" role to one or more users in your participant account. This role can create, update, and delete individuals without the need for an ETPA admin. Do you want to assign this role to someone in your organization? Please contact

Individual needs to log in from an IP address which is registered

Our system works with multiple security and authentication layers. One of them is IP-whitelisting. During the registration phase a set of IP-addresses are registered for a participant. When an individual tries to login from an unregistered IP-address, they will not be able to login.

Having problem with getting your IP-address?:

Please contact us at, if you would like to add or remove IP-addresses from your allowed list.