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Ex-Post Trading

Built with you in mind

green parking


The Dutch Ex-Post market offers enhanced flexibility to participants by enabling trading after the delivery of contracts. Starting from the moment of physical delivery until the next trading day, contracts can be actively traded. This empowers market participants to optimise their strategies when faced with dual-pricing scenarios for imbalance settlement by adjusting the physical positions resulting in reduced costs.

Etpa is the most liquid exchange in the Netherlands for the after market with more than 50 participants actively trading.

Learn more about the Ex-Post market in our knowledge base or read our whitepaper.




What We Offer

ETPA's advanced energy trading platform offers Intraday, Ex post, and Gopacs products to enhance flexibility, efficiency, and reduce congestion, with faster and cheaper virtual settlements. Tailored to unique business needs, ETPA provides expert support to optimize trading strategies.


Etpa is the third trading platform to offer Intraday trading on the XBID common order book, increasing the energy supply and demand pool


As one of the founding fathers of GOPACS, Etpa's platform offers its clients the opportunity to trade on congestion management


Etpa's Ex-Post market offers trading after the delivery of contracts from the moment of physical delivery until the next trading day.